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Tegan Helen Is an incredible 10-year-old on a mission to help kids, be happy safe and loved. Tegan became a bestselling author and award-winning inspirational speaker at age 7. Tegan has toured the world and has spoken on many amazing stages, spending time with and learning from world-changers such as Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, and Grant Cardone. Tegan has a fiery passion to help others, teaching kids life skills not taught in the classroom. Now aged 10 Tegan is the proud author of 5 books, and has spoken on stages worldwide. Tegan is living proof that "You're Past Does Not Define You're Future".


Hi I am Tegan Helen,
I have always loved writing and reading books.
What first made me want to be an author was reading Harry Potter and Robert Kiyosaki’s and Sharon Letchers book, Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens, in the book he said j.K.Rowling the author of Harry Potter had more money than the Queen.
Wow she gets to write fun stories that she loves to do and people love to read them, so she makes lots of money and doesn’t have to go to work, and helps people have fun. It was not until my muma saw an advert for ultraKids business event and muma signed us up, then my book really took off.
I kept thinking and dreaming I really want to be an author.

It was really hard thinking what children would enjoy and read every day, it was a real challenge.
I love Roald Dahl, fairy books and Harry Potter books, these are good but you do not learn anything?
I love to read my mumas and Daddys books as they are really interesting, and I learn great things about how to get my dreams and be happy.
These do have a lot of tricky words in though, this made my bestest idea, what to write about then I thought of "Money for kids" I felt really proud of myself.
I can help other kids learn the great stuff like in my parent’s books without having to get a dictionary for all the big words.

Now I am eleven and am an award-winning bestselling author, award-winning entrepreneur and business owner, as well as an international inspirational speaker. I really love speaking and sharing on the stage and sharing through writing books.
My little brother and I are both worldschooled, we are really awesome kids because we are lucky and have really awesome parents.

They are entrepreneurs, book publishers and parent coaches who really help people, I have learnt a lot about money, they talk about it with us and explain where it comes from, where it goes, what it's all for, and what to do with it when we get it. The clever way and the being a bit silly way. I feel so lucky because when I am a grown-up I will be able to choose if I want to work or have a job which I get paid for, or I can chose to do it the clever way keep on writing books, speaking on stages and creating incredible online programs and having a special and super fun life, instead of a boring job.

I think a lot of my friends who go to school and learn about stuff they don't like or have to sit still and be quiet all day, don't have so much fun and when they finish big school, college or university they then have to get a job, which only provides enough to pay for the basics that they need. I feel this is a bit sad and really want to help a super loads of kids. If they learn the clever way and then they use the clever way they can all have great fun lives too.

After my first book was such a big hit I was so excited to create my next book, I have since continued to write and most recently shared my personal story.
I love learning amazing life skills and sharing them with others if all us kids can learn these incredible skills while we are still young, we could change the world in one generation for the better. This really drives and motivates me.

There Is No Greater Investment Than Your Kids!

Hi I'm Tegan, And I Would Love To Be Friends
And Teach Your Kids
How To Be Awesome And Powerful.

6 Week Coaching Program

To Help Your Kids Become More Confident,
Focused, Disciplined, Respectful, And Successful!


Dreams and Goals

  • My biggest dream is to Share the stage with the incredible Tony Robbins.
  • I am going to help thousands of children just like me.
  • I would love to on the Ellen show to show everyone that age is just a number.
  • I would love to turn my board game into an app, so more kids can learn.
  • I would love to be a guest with Oprah and share my story to help others overcome their pasts.

Talks & Topics

  • Your past does not define your future, your daily decisions do.
  • How to be Happy and be the best version of you.
  • Overcome the bullies and love yourself.
  • ​Financial education made simple.
  • How to be fearless and speak in public.
  • How to create goals and take action.

Incredible events I have had the honour to share my story and knowledge with

  • Wealth Mastery - Eric Ho
  • Events of Champions - Camalita Nuttall & Sharon Letcher
  • The Best you Expo
  • Nonstop Energy & Forgive - Garrain Jones
  • Millionaire Mindset - Dr John DeMartini
  • The Fearless Speaking Academy
  • The Self Development Event Of The Year
  • ​The Ultimate Entrepreneur
  • Toast Masters UK & USA
  • Youth Events at Churches
  • Talks in Cornwall and London Schools
Helen Tegan - public speaking Helen Tegan - public speaking Helen Tegan - public speaking

Tegan Helen's chosen Charity and why?

The charity closest to my heart is NSPCC and O.U.R, I support different children's charities in each of my books as this helps me reach my main goal, to help kids just like me. I did not have the best start in life, in fact it was hard and sad. I wrote a book sharing my story, my past and how I overcame my past.
So when people see me up on stage in a powerful state helping others, they may think wow lucky girl, but there is much more than luck in my story. It is because of my past and my experiences that I am able to touch people's hearts and help them change their lives and move on from their past experiences.
If they see a kid who was just like them, that also faced a hard life or traumatic experience, then they see me in this powerful state making a difference and help others, my dream is this will empower them to do the same.
Our past does not define our future, Our daily decisions do! With every book I sell I get to give to incredible children’s charities that help save the lives and well beings of children everywhere. I am so super excited to be super rich and famous so I am able to help even more children worldwide.

Book - Burnt to on Fire by Tegan Helen
Stop Human Trafficking

Buy The Board Game

The object of the game is to be the richest person.

To have £50 income from the interest of your high-interest account savings, through the power of compounding!
Start: Have your counters placed on the start corner, follow the arrow, anticlockwise.
Roll the dice and move that amount of spaces.
Asset: Pick up the top asset card and follow the instructions.
Asset cards are optional so you can choose to buy them or put the back to the bottom of the pack.
If you choose to buy it , write the details on the game sheet, follow the sums to create your new income.
If you do not have enough cash to buy an asset you can split the cost and the payments received with another player (ie. lawn mower £40 = £20 each receive £16 = £8 each)
Life: Pick up the top life card and follow the instructions in BOLD
Liability: Pick up the top liability card and follow the instructions in.

Money for Kids - The Game

"Rich people do not get rich by accident and poor people do not stay poor by accident" - Grant Cardone

Buy the Board Game Now!

Books by Tegan Helen

Financial education made simple. Children really need to have and read this book lots so they never have to get a job and work. Money is everywhere and everything. If we can understand it and learn to control it, you will never have to work for money. Let your money work for you so you can enjoy your life doing the things you enjoy doing.

Be fearless for kids teaches kids, techniques and useful tools on how to become fearless, in any situation. helps you grow in self confidence, face challenges head on with no fear, and how to stand in your truth.

Law of attraction made simple. She loves to read and write and hopes to help loads of children, reach their dreams and live a life of happiness, Her latest book is based on the law of attraction, broken down in a way all kids will get it and can get out there and reach for the stars! A must read for any kid.